Review: Kundalini Yoga at Jaima Space

Those who know me will be aware of my blossoming love affair with kundalini yoga ever since I discovered its incredibly powerful benefits many years back when living in Asia. In all honesty, the older I am growing, the more important this timeless practice has become in my life. (See here for some insight)

The winding road to Glencar

The winding road to Glencar

Jaima Space

A few weeks back I was lucky enough to join a wonderfully diverse group of ladies for a weekend of Kundalini, walks, mesmerising mantras and lots more in the home of UK-based-Irish-artist-cum-yogi Gemma Billington in the stunning wilds of Glencar, Co Kerry.

The Gong

The Gong

A Kerry native, she too fell in love with Kundalini over 10 years ago and completed her teacher training 7 years ago. She has subsequently trained in Reiki and sound therapy and completed numerous workshops in Ayurveda and other timeless techniques that help unlock the internal life force. As Kundalini is believed to be the quickest, most direct and accessible way to activate the hypothalamus, the pineal and the pituitary glands to help us feel more alive and focused, she now combines her expertise to help her clients awaken their dormant kundalini energy, activate innate intuition and radiate at their highest frequency, with truly powerful results. And I can attest to that!

Brain Health

Kundalini's postures and breathing exercises are seriously powerful and can be done anywhere (even for 10 minutes) as long as it's a relatively peaceful space. What I also love is that music is integral to each workout and the numerous mantras (like Sat Nam meaning 'peace is my identity' and Wahe Guru or 'wonderful teacher/creator of life') seem to hit that peaceful spot within every time I chant. As for the gong bath - instantly soothes and calms - just try it!

In our crazy world, the Kundalini bug seems to be catching as more people are tuning into these deeply mesmerising mantras and yogic kriyas to keep them grounded and at peace. So much so that the US Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation points to one of Kundalini's mantras - the Kirtan Kriya as a way to improve brain function, focus and memory.

Peace last

"I am a firm believer that each of us has the tools within us to generate our own happiness, we just need to access it," Gemma adds. "I practice Kundalini every day, even if just for 20 minutes. It gives me the creative energy I need for my art and for myself. It has transformed my life by giving me the tools to generate my own happiness and love. I only wish I had discovered it sooner as it could have saved me a lot of anxiety and worry!"

Gemma and I enjoying the peace...

Top Tip: Gemma has a wonderful selection of yogic-inspired music so get a copy of her playlist after the retreat - it will inspire you to continue your kundalini journey.

Room for Improvement: Undoubtedly, as this was Gemma's first retreat. This said, her openness and honesty was all encompassing and my hope is that once she is more in demand (as I know she will be) she will stay true to herself and to kundalini (as I also know she will!)

Will I return; YES as soon as I possibly can!

Cost: Approx €300 for 2 nights Bed and Breakfast, yoga and meals - this was a special introductory offer.

Watch this space as more retreats in the planning in Co Kerry and in Gemma's Berkshire home.

For further details email Gemma directly at:


CREDIT: Main photo is courtesy of Gemma Billington from her Atlantic Soul exhibition at Dublin's Origin Gallery, November 9th - December 5th 2017